This time.. I used my own hand. I figured since my hands are always available for modeling.. I may as well draw them.. right? It's could to warm up your hand eye coordination before you go jumping into other things. Practice! Practice! Practice! :D
LOL! Yes, my hands are a bit boney.. which makes it tough to draw. The meatier your hands... I think.. the easier it is to draw. I had to fake a bit of meat on my hands so you could see the volume better. Woman's hands tend to be pointy at the fingertips normally anyways.. so I find it to be tougher to get good dimensions from my own hands generally. But I did my best for now.
All Drawn With: Pencil

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,"
(Romans 1:20)
OH MY!! OH MY!! ..HOW FUNNY!!..I'm sitting here with a BOOK opened to Hands...I'm on page 119 of DRAWING CUTTING EDGE FUSION!! It's got a FEW HANDS!! I was trying to get the right hands for a little girl character holding a frog..RIBBIT!
HA HA..Hands are hard to draw!!
Thank You Esly Esly..So Perfect - Your hands are perfect!!!
LOVE YOU - N JESUS LOVES YOU so much more than you could ever emagine!
Hi dear Esly!
I'm alway looking at your site, even though I don't alway write. It's wonderful the way you draw, I'm so proud of you!
Love u!
Your aunt.
@ ANIMATOR: LOL. I'm not sure about perfect! haha.. I made my hands a bit more meatier.. to give it volume.. otherwise.. they woulda been like little girly hands.
@ EDITH: Thank you Titi Edith! I appreciate your encouragement & support! I really do. Your the bestest aunt ever! Love you too! ;D
Hands were always difficult for me to draw in my Life Study art courses! I always hoped the model would pose hiding their hands! LOL And yes, rounder more plump people were always easier to draw!
Hope you're doing well Esly!
@ Spence Ohana: hee-hee you're hilarious.. I know what you mean though. I think I've always felt the same way.. but I guess whatever it is I difficulties with.. is the one thing that I'll make sure to practice. The unknown is always scary.. but facing your fears with perseverance usually has an awesome outcome. So keep on practicin'! ;D lol.
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