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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Justin Peters

Justin was here in Australia this past Sunday.. and I got to meet him! :D I was so excited cause I always miss all the best "Guest Speakers" cause they tend to all stay in the states. I totally forgot to take a picture with him though.. ah-well. He's an awesome man of God. I'm telling you.. man.. I was balling my eyeballs out by then end of the service. It was such a powerful message! Wish I coulda video taped it.

Anyways, here's Todd Friel interviewing Justin Peters on Wretched TV:

Here's a preview of one of his videos - "A Call For Discernment":

For the record, he DOES beleive that God still works miracles.. but God does it when He wants to.. but if He has a plan for a person to have any type of illness - He has allowed it to happen for a Reason... as such with Justin Peters' disease. God works through Justin to Glorify His(God's) Name.

"So the LORD said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the LORD? Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.” (Exodus 4:11-12)


Animator said...


You know what two even two days after Hubby listened to Justins message, he spoke about the teaching saying he learned a lot from Justin. He said he thought about how he may have been influenced by the faith movement more than he realized. I think its easy to become Super Spiritual - or be too dull in reading Gods word for ourselves to see the false hype. But when it really comes to obeying Christ in our day to day life decisions we need to be humble and wait on the HOLYSPIRIT to lead us very prayerfully in all our actions!

I cried too..WOW - how sad all those sick people hoping for a miracle and not geting one- boo hoo!!
I Loved how Justin was able to tell us from his own expierience how false some of these teachers words and seminars can be.

From my own expirience I have seen a real freak show once with Another wolf at our own church. Daniel was the only one at church who said..NO dont go to the giant seminar! Sadly, I and others insited. I was able to see the truth once we were there at te last show how truley OFF from Gods word it really was.
I REPENTED for going! Andaplagized to hubby :O(

I LOVE THE DRAWING YOU DID OF JUSTIN - YOUR SOOO SWEET! May the Lord JESUS bless YOU & may he bless JUSTIN PETERS Teaching us the true word of God!!!

God forgive us and help us to be faithful to you and humble in all things! Amen

Piccobow said...

Those that have used the illnesses and the handicaps of others are in for a real hellish surprise when they are going to be confronted by a holy God. They made their suffering worse by taking their money!