This was a quick 6 minute sketch of Justin Peters. @ Ter: I know you asked me in an earlier post of Justin Peters of why I took it down.. and it was because I wasn't satisfied with it.. and wanted to draw him again. He didn't ask me to take it down. lol. ;D

Anyway, for those who don't know Justin. I have some
videos of him below if you scroll down to one of the earlier blogs or click
here. He was out here in Australia not too long ago.. and it was awesome to meet him. He was a very kind & godly loving man. He's lives for Christ & pleads with people to open up their eyes to discernment.

P.S. My computer has been down. So, I've been catching up with cleaning up my office, house, etc. Sorry for the lack of art! lol. I'm getting back to work now soon... and shall have more to share. :) yaay!
Very, very good likeness, Esly!
Thanks Jimmy! :D
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