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Friday, June 18, 2010

Barbara Cameron's "A Full House of Growing Pains"

Here's a quick caricature I drew of Barbara Cameron
(Her birthday just passed June 8th & so I gave her this as a gift)

If you haven't read this book, "A Full House of Growing Pains" you are missing out! Barbara Cameron, (who is the mother of 4 - the "The little Growing Pain - Kirk Cameron" & also of Candace Cameron from tv show, "Full House", as well as Bridgette & Melissa Cameron) pours her heart out in this story about all her own personal trials she dealt with in her life. The good & the bad. She was very brave to have been so honest.

It was of great delight to me.. I was very grateful... and ashamed I didn't read it sooner! It takes me a while sometimes to get to the books I have sitting on my shelf! lol. It was so difficult putting the book down. I just wanted to continue to read on. This book will make you cry & laugh feeling every bit of emotional experience. It's given me a sort of relief to realize I'm not the only female in the world who has so many clusters of emotional thoughts running through my mind constantly. lol. ♥

Click to Her Website -->

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