Hey Everyone,

Just a heads up to ask that you have some grace on me for a bit in replying to emails, blogs, etc.
My belongings from America have just arrived a few days ago. (Hoo-RAY! Fi-nally!!!) and I am unpacking a whole lot of boxes and trying to get organized with furniture, books, art-supplies/equipment, toys (lol!), paperwork, photos, junk and well.... you get the picture.
This wasn't just any move.. this was a 1/2 way around the world move!!! and it took nearly a year to get it all here!!!! So, it wasn't very easy on me!
The love of God & His people have kept me sane this whole time. It's a humbling experience when you live as long as I have without all of your own materials & junk. I'm so happy that the trial of that challenge in my life is over. :o) ..and I will never take the things God has blessed me with, for granted.
I will be unpacking for a very long time... (from the looks of it) It seems like months when you look at it from the angle I'm in. haha.
So my point is.. please don't stop sending me the abundance of emails you're sending me. I really do enjoy reading, listening, watching & learning from your bulletins, blogs, comments, videos, replies & opinions from (( Myspace, HisHolySpace, Youtube, Godtube, Blogger, Hotmail, Yahoo, Skype, Facebook, LinkedIn, ccblog, RayComforts blog )), as I take on my little breaks in between all of my unpacking.
Yet.. sadly, I just may not be able to reply right away.. okay? So, I apologize for the delay beforehand in case it happens alright?
Thanks for understanding! Hopefully, things will settle down soon.
With Love,
♥ Esly ♥