okay.. well, the book's all done. Hope everyone likes it. Dale did a nice job on the effects, background, colors and binder. yay! Man he's talented. I'm eager to go get one off the bookshelves and add it to my library collection. I can't believe I'm keeping up with all the books I've been purchasing. YES.. I still purchase drawing books of course! But I need a break from drawing every now and then to feed my soul.. if you know what I mean!
Hey... Go Visit "Atheist Central" - Ray Comfort's blog, if you haven't already. Check out all the opinions, rants and debates!
WOW ESLY, ITS SO BEAUTIFUL..wow thatwas fast!
I'll be sure to buy it if I can get my hands on one!
The artwork is beautyful!
Thanks so much you two! I too can't wait to read up on it! I've only gotten to be exposed on only a little of it. :)
Great job on the drawing! Excellent! :)
Sharp looking cover!
Beautiful cover. Too bad it's for a **** book.
@ Anonymous with the bad language: when this commentator reaches hell, he will forever remember the moment he attacked God’s girl. However, if he repents and turns to the living God, he will bask in the goodness he has been missing out. It’s his choice and I recommend he chooses life eternal with the ONLY GOD who created all things.
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