Cuss words (mild or abbrev.), blasphemy, URL’s (website addresses), incivility, obscene gestures on avatars or failure to give the name ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ capitals, will be deleted.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Some sketches
This was a bad photo taken of a photo with my phone. Sorry 'bout that! But.. you get the just of it all hopefully! ;)
On this next one, the lady wanted to be driving a Cadillac. So here's how it came out. NOTICE the wheel is on the wrong side of the car.. but it's the correct side here in Australia. I totally did that by accident! lol!
Man, I don't know how you did that one from that fuzzy photo. Looks great, though. I've done a couple of oil portraits from fuzzy photographs, but not THAT fuzzy.
Perfectly done! Caricature from photos were really great! It's one way of showing how good you are. From a piece of photo you can create and exaggerate it into something big. Like what you did. Your very good. See more caricature arts at
Man, I don't know how you did that one from that fuzzy photo. Looks great, though. I've done a couple of oil portraits from fuzzy photographs, but not THAT fuzzy.
Perfectly done! Caricature from photos were really great! It's one way of showing how good you are. From a piece of photo you can create and exaggerate it into something big. Like what you did. Your very good. See more caricature arts at
Thank You!
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