Cuss words (mild or abbrev.), blasphemy, URL’s (website addresses), incivility, obscene gestures on avatars
or failure to give the name ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ capitals, will be deleted

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

New Artwork

(This isn't all of it) But if ya haven't seen my new artwork yet.. go check it out on my website. Click on the LINK below. It'll take you there.

New ArtWork

I added an animation clip I found floating in my office while I've been unpacking. All I had on my website was some "animated gifs".. but here's one of the actual clips I worked on from the Adam Sandler movie, "8 Crazy Nights". You'll have to have "WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER" installed on your computer to view it. (b.t.w. this link below won't take you to my website.. but to the actual animated clip. Enjoy!)

Animated Clip

1 comment:

Tim Gardner said...

That "alligator guy" (I forget his name) is the best I've seen you do with that new digial caricature technique of yours.