I got this new job as a "technical illustrator / graphic artist" at a place called, Enter-train Interactive. They are in a bit of a crunch-time which equals... no-life for me! :P
I don't mind the work.. it's actually something I enjoy doing.. but, the OVER-working.. isn't so cool. Anyhow... this is a bit of some of the stuff we do. It's all engineering based & my job requires 3d rendering machinery from photos and blueprints all using photoshop. I'd show you some of what I've been working on lately... but at the moment it's not allowed.. I guess. At least... not until the project we're currently working on is done.
So yeah.. I've been working crazy hours like 12-14 hour days. It'll slow down soon in about 3-4 weeks from what I'm hearing.. and then, I can work normal hours again. Possibly even part-time. So that will be good. Here's some stuff from their website.. so you can see some of the stuff that we're sort of dealing with.

Hi Esly! Interesting stuff you render there at your work, definitely much different than caricatures! :-) I'm sorry you're still having to put in more overtime at work, man 12-14 hour works days - that means all you have time for it to eat, sleep and work! Hang in there!
I've been at my new job for about a week now, I really like it. They are an Art Publishing company, here's their website if you want to check it out: http://newerahd.com/. They've been having me do some Photoshop work.
Anyhow just dropped by to say hi! God bless and have a wonderful day!
Hey, that's pretty cool. To learn how to do all that technical stuff in Photoshop would be pretty difficult for me (me and machinery don't mix). Sounds like a really good job to me.
btw- do these word verification things try to keep all the retarded people from posting comments? (ha ha- I managed to get by!!)
Great site Melissa! Cool.. you're a photoshop girl too! Awesome! Congrats on the Art Publishing job.. that's FAN-tastic! Praise God!!!! :D
haha... Jimmy.. you crack me up. I guess the retarded people are in the same category as the spammers... so, that would be a YES.. those word-verification things are definitely for retarded people. lol!
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