One of the 1st people to contact me, was (believe it or not), Kirk Cameron's Mom, "Barbara Cameron". I met her once before at a "Transformed" event in Georgia.. right before I moved-out here to Australia. That was truly a Transforming event! The title MEANS what it says!
Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the new "Deeper" conference unless they come out here to Australia. I'm hoping that they will be able to have it available on DVD or something. "Paul Washer", will be there... and I've always wanted to be able to see him preach live. He is so HUMBLE, so DEDICATED & SOLD-OUT to Jesus.. that nothing else matters in comparison. It's rare to meet anyone like that these days.
So.. back to what I was saying.....
I'll be working on that for the next few weeks or more. There are going to be about 6 of them.. & are all going to have that digital-painterly look. Here's a sneak-peek at one of the celebrities. I probably won't show the rest till I'm done. Sorry.. I don't mean to be a tease! lol. I've done an animated gif of it.. so you can see how I worked on it little by little. As you can see.. it takes a lot of time and patience. Which is funny.. cause I just did a caricature gig today ((It was sooo much fun! But unfortunately, I forgot my camera.. sorry!)) and.. well, I had to get back to drawing fast & simple rather than steady & taking my time. What a difference! I guess both ways are great practice to help keep you on your toes. Anyhow it's an honor to do something big for the body of Christ. I know there are many who don't understand that, and think I'm a bit nuts.. but man... I'm telling you, if you could experience the things I've experienced in my life... you'd totally get me.