man.. I really adore ANIMATION being the artist I am. It's ashame though, that so many cartoons have such retarded, immoral and derogratory things in them, that are just currupting the children these days. :p
I love animation... but I've struggled with enjoying them. Let alone enjoying the company of others who 'animate'. Many of their hearts are passionate toward pleasing "man or themselves" instead of "GOD". That's 1 of the reasons I steered away from that crowd. It's just a sad truth. It was hard for me to get away from it, because it's so influential. It's easy to get pulled into an environment like that because of the CAREER you can have, the CREDITS in movies you can have & the guaranteed safety of $$$ money too. Although, it may look comfy & fun.. it's a very dangerous path.
Well, back to this video below.. it's really cool. It's not traditional animation.. but computer animation. All the same, the story is great & gets straight to the point. I wish there were more people out there making toons like this.
In this story, it's a confusion that many people go through. I went through it and it took me a while to wake up from the "false belief" of how a person is supposed to enter into heaven. I praise God for Him revealing the truth. :)
God's answers & truth has always been there.. but I was just never willing to seriously look. I'm so glad I finally did! :)
One thing that they failed to mention to much in this video was that in your prayer to God for salvation, you must not forget to REPENT, TRUST & put YOUR FAITH in JESUS CHRIST in order to seriously make Him, the Lord of YOUR life. (Just thought I'd add that in there)