Cuss words (mild or abbrev.), blasphemy, URL’s (website addresses), incivility, obscene gestures on avatars or failure to give the name ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ capitals, will be deleted.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Itchy-Watery Eyes, Itchy-Watery Nose, Thirsty. This is how I've felt for the past 2 days. :( Hard to Concentrate. It's so hard to draw like this! grrr.... Pollen, Dust-mites, Pet-dander... GO-AWAAAAAY!!!! I need to breathe!
P.S. This was just a quick sketch. I Didn't have time to ink this.
Phil Eberhard
esly, thats sucha funny comic!! Your talents are not wasted :D
BOO HOO..dats too Sad..dat POOR red ouchie nose! Amen Jesus does care for you. Esly a young boy came to me three times at church in the snake room to show me his drawing, his sketch..he was SOOOO small, he kept telling me what was in the drawing. He was so cute and his voice was so small and quiet over the crowd I could hardly hear him. He has a sister and she hangs on him its so funny! Can I print your cartoon off for him?
Take some dandilion herbs/root thats what Pastor Mark does. I think dats what it is. Well first be healed in Jesus name!
esly, thats sucha funny comic!! Your talents are not wasted :D
BOO HOO..dats too Sad..dat POOR red ouchie nose! Amen Jesus does care for you. Esly a young boy came to me three times at church in the snake room to show me his drawing, his sketch..he was SOOOO small, he kept telling me what was in the drawing. He was so cute and his voice was so small and quiet over the crowd I could hardly hear him. He has a sister and she hangs on him its so funny! Can I print your cartoon off for him?
Take some dandilion herbs/root thats what Pastor Mark does. I think dats what it is. Well first be healed in Jesus name!
snack...not snake..snack fellowship ROOM...LOL
Allergies stink. Really like your artwork, though!
thank you Phil,
Thank you Animator,
thank you Jimmy!
I give the glory to God. I'm startin' to feel better already!
We're finally gettin like 5 days of rain straight..!!! That should get rid of all the pollen in the air!! weee..!!! ;D
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