So, here's what I've been working on lately.
Mine are the cleaned up drawings you see there at the beginning. The others were drawn by another artist a while back ago.
Actually, there are a lot more drawings then what you see posted in this here video. But at least you get a glance at what I've been up to..
From "The Father's Blessing" - This is 1 of the 11 children's book series. The author, John Ligon plans on putting all 11 books into a case and make them available as a set once they are all finished.
The books have like... 30+ drawings within each of them (not including the the many revisions that take place.) The ministry is based out in Brunswick, GA.
John Ligon is both the "AUTHOR" of all the books,
as well as the "NARRATOR" you hear in this video. lol.
So far.. my *favorite* book that I'm working on is the 7th.
I'd love to post the drawings on it.. but I've gotta wait.
Now, there are like a TON of characters in these books. I re-designed nearly all of them.. except for the rabbits, that are named, Mrs.June, Skippy {Personally, I had just wanted to change them a bit more - But whilst drawing for a client, you must submit to what they want... since they are hiring you!) & also the Pig that's in one of the other stories <-- he was really drawn well... I wouldn't have changed him at all.
There has been a total of about 18 CHARACTERS so far!
Lots of work & lots of drawing.. but I'm loving it!
It's loads of fun! :)
These drawing are clean and absolutely beautiful! I was wondering, is doing the final sketch verses the rough kind of like the inker verses the penciller? The color one is REALLY nice too!
haha.. well, a little bit. The rough sketches are really like.. not my roughs. I actually had to go about making character model sheets and everything! The characters got completely changed!
So, it's not really inker.. cause I didn't follow much of the other drawings exactly. I inked my own. This was more like old artist drawings.. vs. new interpretation artist drawings. I guess. lol. There is actually another artist who's doing the color! Yes! I agree! They did a great job! :D
S, I can Hardly believe it...11 BOOKS in the series! WOW..Thats a lot of work. LOL
Just got back from BDay Party! That was fun. Let me see what was I ganna say, Oh ya, I was checking out the Books on your site and I might order the one one lighting. I have a few..of the same one you have. I need to study op on the lighting thing..Mean while I sick of working!!!
Im making a Flash Calender getting things totally orgnized. Game Daddy is putting together some Game Classes!! Any way I just LOVE the book..ooo-- eee ahh all those Happy little souls getting some REAL FOOD!! HUGSIES. BTW- Back to work! T-bear
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