I actually don't like many of them too much.. As, I see a ton of flaws in probably the majority of them! ALL THE SMILES LOOK THE SAME TO ME. UGH! I really get annoyed at that.
You live & learn I guess! You can only get better.. as you practice. But, like most artists do about their work... I'm my own worst critic. But I'll share them anyway.
So.. enjoy!
I noticed.. I always make people look happier then they are... hee~hee... I guess it's sort of a trademark I guess. :P

Below.. is another Tim. One cool thing about working with other artists.. is being able to draw them again & again.. but each time in a different way. You can probably find a few others on this blog of him where I drew him completely different.

Everyone's favorite color was blue... including the surfer girl near the end of this post. I love blue too! It's my favorite color. This blue paint (the darker blue in these drawings)is specifically called, Aquamarine Blue. I love it! It's so bright. :)

I should'of drawn this lady on the phone. blah,blah,blah.. For some reason.. girls/ladies always tend to lean on getting a mermaid drawing though. :P
Yeah.. I know I posted it twice. So you could see the kid's eyes in the 1st one better.. and in the second one.. you can see the drawing better. I couldn't decide which to put up.. so I posted them both. I know.. crazy me!
It's so interesting to see how the brightness of colors on your paper as well as your clothing all vary depending on the environment you are in. Florida is such a BRIGHT state! I've noticed that here in Australia.. it's just so dim in comparison. Even THEIR sunshine state here called, "Queensland" has an abundance of dimmer skies then that of Florida's sunshine state.

Sorry this one is such a dark photo.. it was obviously night-time here.
This little girl was soooo absorbed in reading Keelan's (boss from Orlando) "LEARN TO DRAW CARICATURES" book... which you can get @ amazon.com.
"Let's Toon Caricatures"
I learned a lot from it when I 1st started. I highly recommend it.. if you want to learn how yourself. :)

Fun british couple! lol. :D
Another view from behind.
okay.. yeah.. this one below of me.. was taken by Tim (my old co-worker) I wasn't posing for this one.. and YES.. that is an EXTREME outfit.. that you would NEVER see me in.. in public OUTSIDE of Disney's Animal Kingdom Themepark! They stuck a gun to my head to convince me to wear this! lol. (I'm totally just kidding) But, for real.. IN ALL HONESTY... if your makin' good dough.. it sorta makes you humble yourself to humility & embarrasment in this case... and in all aspects you somehow become able to wear an outfit like the one below. lol :D

These last two were taken with my phone... so, they're not very good photos. But you get the just of it. Right?
This kid below, Blake.. was a natural animated "bloke" as they would say here in Australia. ;)

This guy was apparently part of a rap group.. called, "Boyz in the Hood". I think he said they were a new rendition of the old group from the late 80's early 90's. I don't know if that was true.. but he wanted his pic taken with me. Weird.. it's usually the other way around. lol.

After lookin' at all of these.. I just have to say.. MANNNNN.. I miss my job!!!! in Florida!!!!! :( When you're working there... it doesn't really feel like that. But when you're without it.. sheesh!!! It just really hits home in your heart.. and ya miss it bunches!!!! I'm totally okay with where I am now.. and believe God has me here for His purposes.. but I'm tellin' ya, it's a killer to the flesh! If you're living for God spiritually, you'll understand what I mean by that. Anyhow... those are my thoughts. I figured I'd post a bunch of stuff.. so you people out there have more to look at to entertain yourself with. Till the next post.. I'll c-ya later! :D
I really enjoy your caricatures and your style. I must ask you, how do you and your other professional caricaturists get such fat juicy black lines? Do you actually press down on the markers you are using while you draw?? If so, does the nib spring back and allow you to make the finer lines? I've always wanted to know that.
I'm an amateur and I think I'm missing the line weight contrast in my work. thanks
Hey thanks Mr. Biggs. (do I know you from somewhere? just wondering)
No.. I don't really press down on the markers.. too much. I always get afraid of messing up my tip.
I lightly press down.. but not much.. I do more turning it then I do.. pressing hard. I generally use Markettes (from Canada) and Chartpaks from any main art store.
The Dixon Markettes have a sort of a hard tip. If you draw on an angle... like I do, you can get a thick line. If you do a light touch and turn the marker.. you can get a thin line. They work really well.
Maybe I'll do a post on it eventually when I get time. But right now I'm like.. really busy! lol! :P
These are terrific Esly! It's great to see your CC work from back in the day. You have a great cartoon style that is smooth and very confident. The one you did of Tim cracked me up! And, yeah, ya gotta miss that AK outfit! lol!! I'm looking forward to see more sometime!
Esly, what a fun job you had! I enjoyed seeing all of those. Great work!
It's funny, because that was my favorite caricature you did of me (Tim). But (can I say this?) I think it was the worst likeness of the many, many you did of me. And I think about that. I liked it because you drew me handsome. People like to be flattered.
Dear Esly,
your caricatures are beautyful! Please don't stop blogging.. I check your website every single day to see if there's something new! I too am an artist; well, sort of. I'm only 13 but I've drawn at least 200 people in my school. I'm the school caricaturist, and I've been good enough to pass art schools, like wexford. It's really my dream, but 'rents just don't like it. You really do inspire me Esly :).
Sarah B.
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