I'm sure most of you have heard about kids such as that little boy, "The Sky Angel Cowboy" being used miraculously and abundantly by God for others. Well, here is another child, Akiane. She has been amazingly blessed with her talent. Check it out. She also has a website you can check out here.....www.artakiane.com
Photo of Akiane..

Photo of Logan...

and here's Logan's Video.. (just in case you've never seen it)
I remember visiting Akiane's website awhile back! It's really scary how good she was and is! I have always been a fan of artists like Thomas Blackshear II (his "Forgiven" piece brings tears to my eyes every time), C. Michael Dudash, Brian Jekel (who happened to be one of my art teachers in college), among many others. I have a feeling that if she hasn't joined their ranks, she soon will be. Thanks for sharing!!
What's she using there, oils? Looks like it. I noticed some sophisticated coloring. And she's what, 14? Nice. I'm a self-trained artist, myself, although I didn't really start until in my 40's, so I can appreciate her effort. But I think all artists are "self-trained." I mean, there may be teachers, books, classes, college degrees, etc, but when it come down to it, you are alone with the canvas. No one can hold your hand, or wire into your brain. ...And this girl, I can see a ready market for her work. I guess I'm disillusioned enough to point out that she has a sweet "angle," a fresh approach which is quite salable, and the whole spiritual thing, people eat that up. Man, I know, I know, I'm really disillusioned, and yet I DO appreciate her spiritual journey, and am jealous of it.
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