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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Last Minute Panic - Calvin & Hobbes

Well, being that this fits the occasion, I thought I'd post it. :)

Being pregnant & working at the same time is not easy. Especially, when you have to stay active & have a job like mine where you must sit at the computer constantly, draw & sit for ages. When I saw this, it made me think.. this is EXACTLY how it can feel to do freelance work. You have to be in the right mood.. (well, at least I do!)

And being pregnant.. your mood is constantly changing & your hormones are all over the place. So sometimes working on artwork can seem like a distant impossible thing. Up until the deadline comes close.. Then, it's like all of the sudden your brain turns into gear & you're creative lightbulb turns on! haha. It's a funny thing really how that happens. This is definitely my life in the next few weeks. I have to get so much work done before the baby decides to pop-out. And slowly but surely time is ticking & slowly diminishing.. before I'll be a full-time parent & my work will have to come to a stand-still for a while. agh! I'd better get to work! Have a nice day! :D

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mel Johnson - Casting Director

I got an order from an old boss of mine from "Universal Studios" when I used to work as a "Casting Assistant" back in 1995! A total blast from the past! I feel very old now. lol. He wanted to get a 'Realistic' digital black & white caricature - something different! :)
Here's his website:

Princess Priscilla

Here's a Caricature I did for my little niece, "Priscilla Joyce". She's ultra adorable! She loves pink & her birthday that's coming up is a "Cinderella theme" this year. She's a total girly-girl!