okay.. this isn't gonna be much of a post.. cuz I'm so darn busy. I'm so sorry. (Not that anyone comes here anymore..) but, whatever. I'll post soon. I'm working on a few projects here and there. One I'm having fun with in particular is some children's books. weee! How fun is that? I'm enjoying it. I'll enjoy it more when they're all finished.. and I get to read them in my hands, flipping through the pages.
You know one "children's book series" I used to enjoy a lot in particular were "The Bearstein Bears". I used to read them so happily as a kid over & over again. They were so colorful! Not to mention they had morals to every story that taught kids about organizing, behaving, etc. I'm sure I picked up a whole lot of my good habits from there. It made chores look like fun. haha.

Anyhow, yeah. I'm still out here in Australia. I sure do think about home a lot. I do. I browse around at all my friends blogs & look at photos... remembering all the great times I left behind. My lil' conscience is eager to go back and enjoy all of what I took for granted. Being in Disney's constant spotlight of the hundreds of people passing by. Hearing about the height of their exciting days! And the children telling you about their parent's most secretive secrets.. haha. It was a riot.

Then, you've got my little Dodge Neon that drove me from point A to point B all around town to & fro. How, I wish I had never sold it. lol. I know it's just a little car.. but it was my car.. and I had a lot of memories within it!

Then, you've got the views. Beautiful Florida...

Always a peaceful sky to look above you.. with plenty of action going on, everywhere you look! Perfect for the artist in need of silence. :)

I just recently became a children's church teacher at my church over here. The kids are great.. but I'm used to dealing with so many more. They're such a small lil' group. This isn't them.. but this was Easter after church. I had made easter eggs for the children to represent "New Life". I also made some little Easter bags with "Proverbs/Quotes" on them that spoke about "Forgiveness". I wish I would've taken photos of everything. I worked so hard on them! lol. ah-well.

Also, I think I'm overwhelmed with David's huge family over here. I really thought I'd get more time to myself being away from my family.. but hahaha... I was wrong. LOL! ;D It's not a bad thing at all.. it's just over whelming cuz there's so many of them. They're like more dramatic then my own family. uh.. well, okay.. maybe I'm exaggerating. My family exaggerates the most. ;) Here's a few of them. There were so many they got cut out.. some were outside too. This was Easter Sunday after church.

It's not just his family, it's the newbie-chores of being a wife. It's so weird! There's like double the amount of stuff that needs to be done. Being out here really makes me admire my own Mom a lot. She's always been an independant over-acheiver-do-er! Running around constantly helping people and forgetting all about herself.
Look at this.. here's a random photo I have of her among the many of her doing something for some kids she's never met at some random school. This is like her everyday at a different place everyday helping someone new everyday. That's like the story of my Mom. How cool is that?!

Anyhow, this was just a short lil' post.. with some random thoughts.