This is Jeff McCoy, His wife Sandy & daughter Ella. This guy was a former christian & police officer who was killed 2 weeks ago. Right before he passed away.. he had seen some of my recent work & asked me if I could draw up his daughter for her birthday. I told him yes.. and somewhere inbetween all of that.. he passed away before I could get the drawing over to him.
I was thankfully able to find a close friend of his so he could get this drawing over to his family. It's really sad. His last request for a gift to his daughter was my drawing! I was honored to draw him & his family eihther way.

His life showed his dedicated passion for God & out of anything else in his life he wasn't afraid of showing what he believed. He went out of his way to get the truth of the gospel out to people... and in reality THAT'S MORE courageous than being a police officer. He amazingly was able to do both.. be a policeman & a witness for Christ. :O)
As for the drawing... The photos I had available of him weren't that great. They were a little blurry. I still don't think the likeness is all that great... but oh well, it's all I could do. I like the drawing of the little girl & the wife the best.